Basic Information.
Age 23 (ARR) - 30 (6.1)
Pronouns she/him
Race Miqo'te (Seeker)
Height 5'2
Sexuality Lesbian
Other Information.
Main DRK
Secondary RPR
World Brynhilder
Birthday 10/11
"Warrior of Light" to some, "that fucking asshole" to others.
A'vaya is a selfish, rude, and irritable person. Growing up in poverty and being the sole support for her ailing father lead her to forsake learning social skills in favor of survival. As an adventurer, she works only for gil— heroics and morality are unimportant, all that matters is money. Deep down, A'vaya longs for connection, and dislikes her unsavory personality... alas, that is who she really is.
The tale of the Warrior of Light is one of epic highs and almighty lows, but A'vaya has made it out a better person than when she started. She protects those she loves fiercely, and wants the best for her friends. Though for a period of time she believes she is no more than a weapon, her friends show her that she's a being worthy of peace and love.

Hey! I'm Jupi!
19 ✿ he/him ✿ lesbian ✿ mixed
I'm Jupiter! I like pokemon, magical girls, teddy bears, and comics! I started playing XIV in April 2021. I'm just really into my wol and I think about her A Lot. I hope to make a lot of comics about my beloved baya so stick around if you wanna see that!
There are definitely aspects of this game that I don't like/make me uncomfortable, so I will avoid talking about certain parts/will be critical of them. I still enjoy the game!
Oh! I also make a Pokemon Nuzlocke Comic and draw other stuff! Check out my DeviantArt and art twitter below if that interests you!

Pre-ARR The Unlucky Fisherman's Daughter.
A'vaya grew up in poverty thanks to her father, Fhey, being discharged from the Maelstrom due to a grievous injury and not receiving any compensation. With her mother dead after childbirth and her father a very unlucky fisherman, A'vaya had to step up and work from a young age. Due to her focusing on working and taking care of her father, she had to forsake learning proper social skills and forming bonds with peers. But it did not matter, she had her father. Only her father.
With the tension between Eorzea and Garlemald growing each day, the Maelstrom put out a request for warriors to aid them in the coming battles they'd face. Fhey, seeing an opportunity for work and to protect his daughter's future, lied about his disability and rejoined the Grand Company. It was soon after that he participated in the Battle of Carteneau and lost his life, his axe and wedding ring being brought back to A'vaya. Upon touching the items, she received a vision— her first encounter with the Echo, revealing her father's final moments to her. And with that, she had nothing.
✷ ☾ ☉

ARR Loyalty to Gold.
With her only family dead and getting resources from the land harder than ever, A'vaya turned to adventuring to make a profit. Her natural strength made wielding an axe easy for her. For five years she lived by a simple rule: gil is all you need. She would take quests from anyone, for anything, as long as it would pay well. Once her contractors could not offer any more money, she left— regardless of if the client still needed help or not. She gained a bit of a reputation for this as an uncompassionate yet efficient sellsword. If you need something done, ask for A'vaya Fhey... but be prepared to empty your pockets.
It's Y'shtola who brings A'vaya to the Scions after witnessing her strength, and more importantly, her gift of the Echo. A'vaya has no interest in the Scions' goal of peace in Eorzea, but stays due to Minfilia promising to pay her handsomely. She plans to leave the group soon enough, not even an official member, but the feeling of community is nice... though none of the Scions like her much at first. It takes time, quite a few arguments, and defeating both the Garleans and an Ascian for A'vaya to come around to everyone and eventually learn to be loyal to the Scions. After this, she's hailed as their hero— something she knows is not befitting of her. World-saving acts aside, A'vaya doesn't care for anyone other than herself and the Scions.
✷ ☾ ☉

HSW Anger That Burns Like Ice.
The anger A'vaya feels after the Bloody Banquet is mixed with a deep depression once she fully processes what's happened. To lose the only friends she'd ever had in a single night, because she couldn't protect them... it eats away at her. Overnight, A'vaya loses the year and a half of progress she'd made towards being an even slightly more caring person— a bitter cold enters her heart. She picks up the ways of the Dark Knight and resolves to protect those she still has with everything she is, no longer a person, just a weapon.
Losing more people close to her sets A'vaya on a path for bloody revenge, and killing Thordan brings her little peace. She's ruthless in battle, and the Scions slowly reappearing does very little to quell her rage. But after learning of Minfilia's fate, A'vaya begins to lose herself to the carnage. It all feels so pointless, her mind cloudy but her hands clasped firmly on the hilt of her sword. There are still things in her way. There is still work for the Warrior of Light.
✷ ☾ ☉

STB Lay Low the Beast.
Brought into another war that she has little right to be part of, A'vaya can't mentally handle doing this again. For nearly every battle she's in, she dissociates. Combat never made her feel alive, but now it makes her feel unreal. She's brought out of this cloudy state when talking to the ones she wants to protect, a warmth emitting from her— at the end of it all, she was here to protect her loved ones. So it's when that damned Garlean prince insists this desire to protect is the same as his bloodlust does A'vaya's fog begin to clear, making her realize that she can't keep living like this.
As soon as Garlean reign is destroyed in both Ala Mhigo and Doma, A'vaya takes the opportunity to rest. She spends her time with her fellow knight, Sidurgu, and the mysterious Myste, coming to terms with her actions. And she finds that she doesn't want to continue her duty as the Warrior of Light. And she could have had this, were it not for the sudden endangerment of the Scions, falling into unending and unnatural slumbers. She is thrown back into the fray, back into turmoil, trying to find a way to save her friends.
✷ ☾ ☉

SHB You are the Light.
The First is not something A'vaya could have ever imagined, but there she was. The task of taking in Lightwardens is crushing, corrupting her body— an inescapable manifestation of her worst fear, her body changing. When it becomes apparent that A'vaya's time may be coming to it's end, she's terrified, barely holding it together, constantly on the verge of a cataclysmic break down. But for her actions, she's hailed as a hero— and for once, it feels true. This is the role of a hero: to die.
But she prevails.
Her time on the First is catastrophic for her in so many ways, but it also brought her peace. Accepting Minfilia's choice, learning the truth of the stars, seeing herself as no longer a weapon and rather someone who chooses to fight for those who cannot. Though it scares her, A'vaya accepts the damage the light has done to her body. With a new perspective on her role in her own life and those around her, A'vaya steps forward. Warrior of Light and Darkness, forge ahead.
✷ ☾ ☉

ENW Our Song of Hope.
The Final Days are scary for everyone, but A'vaya faces it with a newfound determination. She will destroy this problem, hack it to bits, and then finally be at peace. Though the journey is full of harrowing experiences, A'vaya takes it on with those she loves by her side— namely Minfilia (...long story). It's together that they overcome the Final Days, and find the meaning of living.

Minfilia/Ascilia Warde Impossible to put into words.
A peculiar and tragic love story, to say the least. While they did not get along for quite some time after their first meeting, mostly due to A'vaya's poor social skills, they came together to overcome the threat of the Empire. Afterwards, they became quite close confidants and friends. While they have their differences, both find that the other is very understanding of the one another's issues. Their relationship is that of tragedy, the greater good of the world keeping them apart— but in the end, they reunite. Very different people after everything they've been through, but they still find solace in one another.

Thancred Waters World's most aggrivating mirror.
Thancred and A'vaya are similar— annoyingly similar. Burying their feelings with a stoic exterior, poor communication, an extremely strong will to protect those they love, occasionally to their own detriment— it's aggrivating! They tend to be at odds with each other, especially while in the First, but they do care for each other greatly. Sure, seeing someone with all your worst qualities is hard, but they understand each other well. They have good banter when they aren't horribly stressed, and tend to drink together.

Alphinaud Leveilleur What do you mean you're not 12?
The little brother...? nephew...? cousin...? that A'vaya never asked for but loves regardless. A'vaya feels most responsible for Alphinaud's safety regardless of how old he's getting. He was a total pain in the ass at their first meeting, but he grew on the warrior with time. After a particular large argument during their time in Ishgard, their relationship became strained, but ultimately was repaired. Alphinaud looks up to A'vaya and views her as a very close friend and someone he can rely on, though he wishes she would think the same as him for the latter.

Alisaie Leveilleur Maybe the kids are alright.
A lot of A'vaya's improvement in her Stormblood era can be tied to Alisaie's presence. She didn't want to put this teenager through any more stress than she was going to experience in a war, so she made a slight effort to be less... extreme, around her. Alisaie recognizes A'vaya's suffering and tries to show her that she isn't alone, with varying degrees of success. By the end of that era, A'vaya and Alisaie are quite close due to the experiences they went through together. A'vaya is constantly impressed by Alisaie's battle prowess, though she still is quite overprotective. Alisaie gets huffy about it.

Lyse Hext You deserve much better.
Back when they first met, A'vaya found Lyse (then Yda) very annoying. Her more upbeat personality was hard for A'vaya to work with, but after doing a few missions together found her quite entertaining. They tended to goof off together (well, Lyse goofed off. A'vaya watched and laughed at her) and spar, Lyse overall experiencing A'vaya's casual side more than most others. After the events of Heavensward, A'vaya is a much darker person, while Lyse at least still attempts to remain above it all. Lyse finds herself missing the more joyful A'vaya, but still cares for the current her. She even develops romantic feelings for her, but A'vaya cannot reciprocate. Lyse deserves much better than her, anyway.

G'raha Tia Absolute favorite loser.
Unlikely best friends. Initially they did not care for each other, A'vaya believing G'raha to be another annoying and dramatic scholar type, and G'raha thinking A'vaya was talked up too much. They quickly come to realize they were wrong about each other, and enjoyed spending time together during NOAH's expeditions (though G'raha did think A'vaya didn't like him, even when they reunited). During his time as the Crystal Exarch, A'vaya was untrusting of him, but couldn't shake the feeling that he was genuine. Upon learning his true identity, A'vaya is heartbroken, then angry. G'raha was the first friend she made outside of the Scions, and held him as close as she could muster back then. She gives him a stern talking to, but quickly forgives him. Adventures with these two are always exciting.